Homemade Mediterranean Pizza: ALLL the Toppings

Rocket Science Scale: 3 – Moderately Complicated


The Krusty Krab Pizza, Is the pizza, For you and me. And I don’t say that about a lot of pizzas.


Also I use “Mediterranean” loosely as this pizza was inspired by the ingredient list of the Mediterranean pizza of a local pizza place (Bazbeaux Pizza). Their descriptor had feta cheese, chorizo, pepperoni, house roasted red peppers and spinach. Which Sounds like a fantastic (albeit slightly pretentious….. you know my feelings). So I decided to recreate it with mostly the same ingredients, but instead I used roasted red peppers from a jar, added some black olives, used goat cheese instead of feta (goat cheese is my favorite), and lastly kale instead of spinach.


I also made my own cheese blend (Mozzarella and some pecorino romano). Plus, instead of traditional pizza sauce from a jar, I used some marinara sauce from a jar with some extra tomato sauce. Lastly, I made homemade crust with the recipe from Seriously Delish. Homemade pizza really is the best, even with ten trillion toppings on it. Specifically, when you put on those ten trillion toppings.

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It’s a Pizza Pasta: Using Ingredients Over and Over

Rocket Science Scale: 2

Hey Guyyyyyyysssss.


So last week I made Roasted Red Pepper Pepperoni Pizza and it was delicious. Seriously. Who doesn’t like pizza? (My younger sister that’s who … but she’s weird so I just accept it).

But I love her anyway. She's on the right.

I mean who doesn’t love melted cheese? And Sauce? 

But if you don’t want to make a pizza from scratch or spend money on a pretentious pizza, you can always make pasta that tastes like pizza. Especially if you have leftover ingredients from lasts weeks pizza. I’m a huge fan of buying one or more ingredients (in this case pepperoni and fresh mozzarella) and using them for multiple recipes.  Continue reading